Changing sampling time in Easy MODBUS Viewer
Read, write and log Modbus communication with Easy MODBUS Viewer software
QUESTION: Is it possible to change the sampling time for the x axis from 60 minutes to one month?
ANSWER: Is only currently possible to set the time range to 60 minutes using the “set minutes” area inside of the graph settings window. However if you zoom out fully (press the zoom out button a few times) the graph should automatically expand to accommodate all of data as it is logged.
Example: The graph can contain 8640 data points. After this number is exceeded, the beginning data points will drop off to accommodate new ones. So if you want the graph to show at least 24 hours of data you would need to set the Graph Update Interval to => 10 seconds.
Easy MODBUS Viewer PC software for viewing and logging communication of modbus compatible sensors and devices. Read, write and log modbus communication with Easy MODBUS Viewer.