LoRaWAN ADR Downlink Message Calculator
LoRaWAN ADR Automatic Data Rate Command WEB Calculator
100% data delivery rates with LoRaWAN
100% data delivery rates can be achieved with LoRaWAN even in urban environments if proper radio settings are selected for end devices and more than one gateway is within range of each device. LoRaWAN devices in rural areas can easily achieve 100% data delivery rates, even with one gateway. They also have the advantage of extending high-quality wireless data coverage even to areas with weak, spotty, or zero LTE or NB-IoT wireless coverage.
Mastering the Automatic Data Rate command is one of the keys to achieving high data delivery rates. To help users decipher the linkADR command (Automatic Data Rate), we have created the following MS Excel calculator which, based on your preferred NbTrans, TXpower, and DataRate parameters, calculates the ADR command value for you. (Applies to all versions for the LoRaWAN and Regional Parameters specifications.)
The key to 100% data
The linkADR command is one of the key features of LoRaWAN technology and enables it to compete successfully against technologies like NB-IoT in urban environments. While NB-IoT may be considered a competing wireless technology, the LTE cellular network on which it runs, along with local Wifi networks, can be regarded as complementary technologies supporting LoRaWAN deployments.
LTE and Wifi networks allow for the hassle-free deployment of low-cost wireless LoRaWAN gateways to extend high quality wireless LoRaWAN coverage quickly and easily where it is required.
The Things Network
One of the key players in the field of LoRaWAN networks that deserves to be mentioned is The Things Network (TTN) and its professional counterpart, The Things Industries (TTI). Weather stations and other IoT devices running on The Things Network regularly take advantage of high network quality due to gateway redundancy in urban areas. Gateway redundancy is a key requirement for high reliability of all star-on-star wireless networks like NB-IoT, LTE, Sigfox, and LoRaWAN. Due to their sub-GHz wireless frequency range, they all require LOS (line-of-sight) between the sensor and gateway with minimal obstructions like walls and trees in between.
Our customers’ experience with weather stations running on TTN can be summarized as “hassle-free”.
Our experience of providing free professional LoRaWAN network server service with the purchase of our weather stations & sensors based on TTI has been exemplary.
LoRaWAN Network Server provider list
The Things Network (TTN)
The Things Industries (TTI)
Many others (If you would like to be added to this list, please contact us.)