How to seamlessly move devices to TTN v3 from v2
QUESTION: How can I get LoRaWAN devices to disconnect from TTN v2 and rejoin to TTN v3 without having to reset them manually?
ANSWER: Setup the following parameters on The Things Network v3 (TTN v3) so that your devices function properly on LoRaWAN. You will need to reset your device for the device to rejoin to TTN v3. Reset the MeteoHelix IoT using the supplied magnet stick, reset the MeteoWind IoT with the reset switch in the box.
LoRAWAN version (MAC) & Regional Parameters version (PHY revision)
LoRaWAN MAC physical layer (PHY layer) version table
BARANI DESIGN sensors use MAC & PHY layer versions 1.0.2 REV A.
In some cases USA, Canada, Brazil, Mexico MAC & PHY layer version 1.0.3 may be used on TTN or TTI to obtain stable behavior.
LoRAWAN frequency plan for BARANI DESIGN Technologies weather station sensors
EU, Africa and other ITU Region 1 countries: Europe 863-870 MHz (SF12 for RX2)
USA, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and more: United States 902-928 MHz, FSB 2 (used by TTN)
South Pacific, South Asia, Australia and more: Australia 915-928 MHz, FSB 2 (used by TTN)
NOTE: International Telecommunications Union (ITU) divides the world into three regions as explained in detail in this Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITU_Region :
Region 1 comprises Europe, Africa, the former Soviet Union, Mongolia, and the Middle East west of the Persian Gulf, including Iraq.
Region 2 covers the Americas including Greenland, and some of the eastern Pacific Islands.
Region 3 contains most of non-FSU Asia east of and including Iran, and most of Oceania.
LoRaWAN device class
All BARANI DESIGN Technologies weather station sensors are Class A devices
Connect your TTN v3 application with allMETEO weather portal using webhooks
Use the below “100. Change the Appkey and AppEUI” downlink command to have the device rejoin after 1 hour by doing the following:
Use the “100. Change the Appkey and AppEUI” downlink command to send an invalid Appkey with an invalid AppEUI to the device.
MeteoHelix, MeteoWind, MeteoRain and MeteoAG LoRaWAN weather station sensors will, unsuccessfully, try to join with these new credentials for one hour.
Then they will revert to the last valid Appkey and AppEUI and resume the join process after the hour of unsuccessful join attempts.
You will need to have your TTN v2 turned off within this hour so that the devices can rejoin to TTN v3 without a problem if your TTN settings have not changed.
Note: This procedure is valid for devices manufactured after December 2020.
Please note:
Consulting services for 3rd party implementations of remote commands and code checking or validation incur a cost of 150€ per hour billed in 15 minute intervals.
Non-disclosure agreement may be required to be signed for consulting services.