BARANI China solar PV power plant Weather Monitoring System WMS installation

Photovoltaic WMS systems

We offer Surya plug-&-play weather monitoring systems in three price levels:

  • Surya Basic - affordable starter solution meeting ISO-9060 Second Class standards featuring a Second Class pyranometer

  • Surya Standard - ISO-9060 First Class solution featuring First Class pyranometer

  • Surya Advanced - exceeds all ISO-9060 measurement standards to the highest degree and features the highest Secondary Standard pyranometer

Built with high-quality sensors and based on the proven and precise EasyLogGSM with SCADA MODBUS insterface, Surya WMS systems for PV power plants are cost-effective and precise. Trust your data to optimize panel orientation, power plant operation and extend your maintenance intervals.

BARANI DESIGN Surya systems offer three levels of affordability.

China solar PV power plant Weather Monitoring System WMS installation

Opportunity to maximize your profits

Use high-quality data to:

  • verify your PV panel performance and orientation

  • verify PV manufacturer's performance claims

  • maximize your electrical power output


Contact us for details & pricing >