True Class-A wireless rainfall monitoring
WMO conforming industry standard 200 cm² wireless automatic rain gauge for hydrology, urban-meteorology, agriculture, smart cities, and resilient city projects. Field proven since 2019 it provides years of wireless data, using just a small solar panel and an internal battery. Being very low-maintenance, it is designed to be easily field serviceable. The MeteoRain® self-balancing magnetic tipping bucket measurement mechanism is also designed to be self-cleaning so long-term measurement stability even without cleaning is guaranteed. Comes with free lifetime access to the allMETEO® weather portal and uses an encrypted LoRaWAN communication protocol to connect directly to your own platform if required.
Automatic Rainfall Monitoring Station
Wireless 200 cm² automatic rain gauge based on the MeteoRain® 200 Pro is the latest iteration of the MeteoRain® series for reliable rainfall intensity and precise quantity measurement.
Solar-powered with a battery lifetime of over 4 months without sun, this automatic Class-A rainfall gauge will record accumulated rainfall and rainfall intensity (maximum rain rate) and consistently transmit data every 10 minutes when it’s raining over LoRaWAN telemetry. A specially designed internal data logger keeps track of accumulated rain so that even in the case of wireless reception loss, you can be sure not to lose a drop.
High-reliability self-balancing tipping bucket measuring mechanism
In-built data logger for rain accumulation and maximum rain intensity
Wireless with a full size antenna for very good signal strength
Solar powered with 6+ months of battery capacity without sun
MeteoRain IoT 200 Pro wireless, solar powered Class-A rain gauge
Class-A precision even in torrential downpours
Consistent and accurate magnetically balanced mechanism in less effected by residual water and condensation on the tipping bucket than any other butterfly style tipping bucket mechanism. This inherent property makes MeteoRain® the most consistent self-emptying rain gauge on the market, also known as udometer, pluviometer, or an ombrometer.
Maintains Class-A measuring accuracy up to rain rates of 10 mm/min (0.4”/min) 600 mm/hr (24”/hr) or 50 tips per minute.
Highly resistant to wind induced vibrations compared to standard tipping bucket rain gauges.
Resistant to drift and measurement error from dirt accumulation.
Magnetically stabilized for easy adjustment and consistent measurement in all non-freezing temperatures.
Wireless, easy-to-install and maintenance free
Easy to install on any pole, fence or wall. Turn on/off with a magnet to activate wireless transmission. No other configuration or setup is required. Measuring tipping bucket mechanism has very low sensitivity to non-level mounting unlike conventional mechanical tipping buckets or butterfly tipping bucket rain gauges.
Automatic wireless setup and activation without user input for Sigfox and LoRaWAN with preconfigured wireless gateways.
Non-level mounting has little effect on measurement accuracy.
Field calibration with a singe screw driver.
Removable easy to clean sieve and funnel is cleanable in the field with just a rag.
Optional spirit-level (liquid bubble-level) for easy leveling when mounting.
Materials and construction
UV sunlight resistant material for stability in direct sunlight for 10+ years
Good hydrophobic properties for self cleaning effect and drainage for accuracy
Material does not attract dirt and dust
Simply wipe clean with a cloth
Designed for a 10+ years life span in all climates
The electronic are coated with weather-resistant coating for all-weather durability including winter, snow, ice and salt spray near the coast
Calibration Options
Factory standard calibration of 0.2 mm (0.2 liters per square meter) per tip with either ± 1 % or ± 2 % accuracy.
0.20 mm/tip (0.008"/tip) Factory default (World standard)
0.25 mm/tip (0.01"/tip) Special order (USA standard)
Universal pole & wall mount included
Makes mounting quick and easy with the use of screws, u-bolts or widely available hose clamps. Fits pipes from Ø 1.5" (Ø 35 mm) diameter and larger. Mounting screws are included. U-bolt or hose clamps must be purchased separately.
Bird spikes (Optional)
Bird protection spikes prevent birds from pooping into the rain bucket or nesting in the rain gauge funnel. Overall effect is improved long-term accuracy due to cleanliness and reduced maintenance with longer service intervals.
Leaf fence (Optional)
Leaf/debris fence prevent prevents large debris like leaves from collecting in the rain bucket of the rain gauge. Leafs can trap, absorb and prevent some water drops from reaching the measuring mechanism.
Although we offer an optional leaf fence, we do not recommend a lead fence for the MeteoRain® 200 Compact rain gauge since its funnel design allows the wind to remove most larger debris from the funnel naturally. Due to the accuracy of the MeteoRain® measuring mechanism, a wire mesh leaf fence tends to trap water drops on it, thus negating much of its benefit.