MeteoHelix®, ezMETAR & new MeteoWind® Compact will be showcased at Meteorological Technology World Expo 2018 on October 9-11
/MeteoWind® Compact ANALOG OUTPUT anemometer with a wind vane
BARANI DESIGN Technologies will showcase their latest product innovations which will include the MeteoHelix® IoT Pro micro-weather stations, ezMETAR airport and heliport weather station & the new MeteoWind® Compact anemometer with a wind vane and analog output.
Free visitor badges are available directly on the Meteorological Technology World Expo website at the following link:
MeteoWind® Compact
The MeteoWind® Compact will feature a reed switch wind speed sensor with two pulses per revolution and analog 0...2.5 V wind direction sensor without a dead band and better than 2 ° accuracy. With an average power consumption reaching down to only 20 µA in addition to lightning protected outputs, it is designed for wireless solar and battery powered applications in precision agriculture and meteorology alongside MeteoHelix® IoT Pro weather stations.
MeteoHelix® IoT Pro
MeteoHelix® IoT Pro micro-weather stations will be displayed along with allMETEO® weather map and cloud portal. allMETEO® is designed not to replace but to complement customers' existing analytical software. Its main function is for weather station management, meteorological data management and live weather view of these affordable research-grade accuracy all-in-one solar powered wireless weather stations. A few lucky visitors at the Expo will be able to take home a MeteoHelix® IoT Pro Sigfox version as well.
ezMETAR, the affordable AUTO-METAR featuring ICAO approved sensors will also be displayed at the Expo, allowing visitors to see first hand its high quality sensor and data logger suite along with strong lightning protection and intelligent solar power management system.
BARANI DESIGN Technologies will be located in stand number 10005 near Vaisala and IBL Software Engineering.