The exiled weather man returns safe and sound from Bolivia
/Aguita Brava where Orban Zsombor measured a daily temperature difference of 30.6 °C or 55 °F
Orban Zsombor returns back safe and sound despite a mishap due to gale force winds after exploring a caldera situated in Bolivia (near the border of Chile) to find the largest daily temperature amplitude in the world.
The mountain named “Aguita Brava” is a location marked only on good topographical maps. The barren volcano is close to 5,500 m high with a crater of around 800 m wide and 80 m (260 ft) deep. The bottom of the caldera is situated at 5,320 m (17454 ft) above sea level. A perfect location for his research. GPS: -22.512, -67.796
The temperature inversion in the crater basin is so strong that on this day with still air and no clouds the air temperature rises from -35 °C at ground level to -26.6 as measured in the MeteoShield® Professional only 1.7 m above ground.
The maximum temperature of the day was only +4 °C but felt much warmer in the sun and thin air. The maximum daily fluctuation at this high altitude came to be a staggering 30.6 °C (55.1 °F).
On the second day of measurements, gale force winds came in.... More details can be found on Orban's blog at the following link: