How does MeteoHelix handle atmospheric pressure measurement and AMSL calculation?
/Mean Sea level pressure conversion varies from country to country
QUESTION: Does the MeteoHelix professional weather station convert measured barometric pressure to mean sea level (MSL) pressure?
ANSWER: In the user interface, the pressure shown is the mean sea level (MSL) equivalent pressure so that users can compare with forecasts and other weather stations worldwide. Therefore it is wise to set the location and height above ground of the weather station correctly (Set the AMSL under the weather station settings tab).
In the database, only the raw measured barometric pressure is stored so that advanced users can use the data forwarding features of the platform to feed high-quality unmodified data into their software and cloud systems.
Since many countries use varying methods of conversion from barometric to mean sea level equivalent pressure and since the calculation methods have evolved over the years, the only sure way to maintain high-quality data is to store the barometric pressure and let the users do the conversion themselves in their professional database systems.