First time in history the MeteoHelix with MeteoRain record exact rainfall on the highest peak of the Carpathian mountain range

Gerlachovsky stit (Gerlachov Peak) provides an environment for biologists as the highest ground anywhere in Europe north of the Alps and is the highest peak of the whole 1,500 km (930 mi) long Carpathian mountain range. The pyramidal shape of this massif is marked by a huge cirque and is characterised by its impressive 2,000 m vertical rise from the valley floor below.

Sub-freezing temperature operation of MeteoRain rain gauge on Gerlachov Peak

For the first time in history, on September 24, 2020, exact amounts of rainfall started being recorded on its summit by a BARANI DESIGN Technologies MeteoHelix weather station together with a new MeteoRain 200 Compact rain gauge. The compactness of these WMO precision instruments and ease of their installation enabled local mountain guides to install this weather station in a location that was inaccessible to weather station equipment even just 2 years ago. Able to survive and transmit weather data even from under large snow cover for up to 4 months, the highly survivable MeteoHelix weather stations are ideally suited for environmental research in hard to access locations.

An additional fact worth noting is the ability of the MeteoRain 200 Compact to measure rain even in below freezing temperatures as show in the plot below. Detailed live meteorological data from Gerlachov Peak can be found through the following link:

MeteoHelix weather station being transported on the back of a mountain climber to the highest peak of the carpathian mountain range.

MeteoHelix weather station being transported on the back of a mountain climber to the highest peak of the carpathian mountain range.

MeteoHelix weather station above an abyss on Gerlachov peak in the Carpatian mountain rainge.

MeteoHelix weather station above an abyss on Gerlachov peak in the Carpatian mountain rainge.

Installation of a MeteoHelix weather station on the highest peak of the Carpathian mountain range, the Gerlachov Peak.

Installation of a MeteoHelix weather station on the highest peak of the Carpathian mountain range, the Gerlachov Peak.

How tough is the toughest weather station?

When avalanche rescue needs reliable data, only one weather station can send it from under the snow pack with a 12+ km (7.5+ miles) wireless range.

Extreme weather requires tough hardware

In meteorology, the real difference between professional and commercial hardware is not only in measurement accuracy, long-term measurement stability and precision, but also in toughness, robustness and survivability. The fine line between extreme weather and a weather disaster is the damage caused and loss of life. Timely and accurate decisions require accurate and reliable data in the most extreme weather situations. This is what sets apart professional meteorological equipment from the rest and enables the prevention of disasters and loss of life. MeteoHelix IoT Pro weather stations donated to the Slovak Avalanche Service are proving their worth against all existing weather station hardware.

Buried alive under the snow

Buried under wind blown snow pack for over two months at 1727 meters (5669 feet) above sea level, the MeteoHelix kept tirelessly measuring and sending wireless data every 10 minutes to Sigfox gateways installed by SimpleCell and located 12.5 km, 16.5 km, 20 km, and 32,5 km away. The 3+ meter high snow pack here was unexpected in this warmest winter on record.

Over the two months, tons of wind blown snow consolidated and with a crushing force devastated other meteorological equipment. Under this force, the stainless steel mounting bracket holding the MeteoHelix was bent over like a sheet of paper as shown in the accompanying photo. The MeteoHelix survived without damage. After being dug out and over the next two days as temperatures rose above freezing, the snow packed around its sensors from the burial thawed. The MeteoHelix IoT Pro returned to measuring atmospheric temperatures (instead of snow pack temperature) for which it was designed and which it preforms better and more accurately than any other professional meteorological weather station due to its special patented helical solar radiation shield design.

While buried under snow, the MeteoHelix weather station measured snowpack temperature. Around March 13, 2020 (6 days before being dug out) the snowpack temperature became a steady 0°C as the snow started its spring time melt.

While buried under snow, the MeteoHelix weather station measured snowpack temperature. Around March 13, 2020 (6 days before being dug out) the snowpack temperature became a steady 0°C as the snow started its spring time melt.

As soon as the MeteoHelix was dug out, it began measuring solar irradiation and soon after the snow Fell away from its sensors, it began reading the correct air temperatures.

As soon as the MeteoHelix was dug out, it began measuring solar irradiation and soon after the snow Fell away from its sensors, it began reading the correct air temperatures.

Meteorologické stanice BARANI DESIGN MeteoHelix® IoT pre inteligentné pouličné osvetlenia


Meteorologické stanice pre inteligentné pouličné osvetlenia, akou je  MeteoHelix® IoT Pro, sú schopné produkovať kvalitné údaje pre výskum klimatických zmien aj v mestských prostrediach, ktorým dominujú prehriate chodníky a steny budov od slnka.

Ideálna je montáž meteorologickej stanice na stĺpy pouličného osvetlenia, lebo stĺpy tvoria odstup od prehriatych stien budov, či chodníkov a stanice tak môžu merať správne. Hoci mestské meteorologické stanice so špirálovým štítom  MeteoShield® Professional dokážu presne merať teplotu vzduchu aj na priamom slnku s jeho sprievodnými odrazmi a sálavým teplom, stále sa musí dbať na výber miesta inštalácie tak, aby miesto reprezentovalo environmentálne faktory, ktoré chceme merať. 

Mestské meteorologické stanice je potrebné nainštalovať tak, aby do nich priamo neprenikal neprirodzene prehriaty vzduch. To by malo za následok meraniam dominujúci hyper-lokálny meteorologický fenomén. Je to možné, ak chce niekto merať extrémy účinkov tepelných ostrovov v mestách, ale ak je cieľom kvantifikovanie mestskej klímy na väčšej ploche, ideálnou voľbou sú stojany pouličného osvetlenia.

Priložené fotografie znázorňujú inštaláciu meteostanice MeteoHelix®IoT Pro a zrážkomeru SEB50 rain gauge od BARANI DESIGN Technologies na pouličné osvetlenie pri bytovom komplexe.

Meteorologická stanica MeteoHelix® nainštalovaná na pouličné osvetlenie v bratislavskom mestskom parku

Meteorologická stanica MeteoHelix® nainštalovaná na pouličné osvetlenie v bratislavskom mestskom parku

Energeticky úsporné pouličné LED osvetlenie s nainštalovanou meteorologickou stanicou MeteoHelix®